We had our roti canai and teh tarik this morning.Hubby was early today so we had some time to allocate for our breakfast after sending kids to their respective caretaker. While waiting for our meal, we slipped newspapers , provided by the cafe.
We were talking about our neighbour who is on her maternity leave. The house is left unattended for few months and grass were high, some wild plants were crawling up to the walls. I guess maybe because the husband worked in KL, only the wife who stayed in Melaka. and now, the wife went back to hometown for maternity leave, and they abandon their house.
Hubby told me about rights of neighbours. About the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) - a "neighbor" is not just the one next door but includes all those up to forty( forty doors to the right and forty to the left indicating that forty houses in every direction constitute ones neighbourhood.houses in all directions) . So, in my case, even they stay only 6 houses away from ours, they are our neighbours, and they might claim their right as neighbours!
This concern for our neighbors can take many forms. It means to ensure that our neighbors have the basic necessities, for a Muslim should not eat if his or her neighbor is going hungry. It means that Muslims should wish for their neighbors what they wish for themselves. It means sharing their happiness and sorrow. Further, it means to not spy on them and respect their privacy, to not gossip about them, to not harm them in any way, and to keep common use areas - such as apartment building entrances, streets and sidewalks - clean.
Credit to our kind next to home neighbour, who always flush his water to our trees and plants.:) he is very helpful, knowing our limited time to do that, he takes his initiavtive to do it, even we never ask him to.
Hubby said that those with almost perfect in performing good deeds but with abusive tongue to their neighbours are not adored in Islam. In fact, those who did not do all those extra acts of worship other than just compulsory (Wajib) but whose neighbors were happy with her, take a shine point of neighbourhood in Islam.
Hubby said, our Propher (PBUH) is very concern on the rights of the neighbour, and he adressed it clearly:
1) to help him if he asks your help,
2) to lend him if he asks to borrow from you,
3) to satisfy his needs if he becomes poor,
4) to console him if he is visited by an affliction,
5) to congratulate him if is met with good fortune,
6) to visit him if he becomes ill,
7) to attend his funeral if he dies,
Hubby said Prophet (pbhu) is so detail when he taught us on neighbourhood. He even reminded us ...to not make our house higher than his without his consent lest you deny him the breeze, to offer him fruit when you buy some or to take it to your home secretly if you do not do that, nor to send out your children with it so as not to upset his children, nor to bother him by the tempting smell of your food unless you send him some.
Whoaaa...I was getting very thrilled. Wow! He is teaching us every single thing here?
The neighbor holds a special status in Islam and makes no difference whether the neighbors are Muslim or non-Muslim. Aishah, stated that she once asked Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), "O Messenger of Allah! I have two neighbors. To whom shall I send my gifts?" Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "To the one whose gate is nearer to you."
Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), the neighbour who is near of kin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. (Surah An Nisak:36)
Ok, we have it... let's do it!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Jom Bertadarrub Al Quran!!
Harini semua orang terkedu. Tiba -tiba sahaja En Husband menangis tersedu sedan membaca kalimah suci alquran di dalam kelas. Lain rasanya bila guru yang mengajar tersedu menangis...anak murid pulak tercengang. Ada yang cuba menyelami maksud ayat-ayat dengan menyelak helaian Tafsir Al Munir karangan Dr. Wahbah Mustafa al-Zuhaily, kitab yang digunakan untuk kelas tafsir di situ.
Kelas tafir harini masih lagi di Surah Al Maarij...ayat38- 44.
Cerita tentang kita...kita yang masih kononnya berharap supaya dimasukkan ke syurga yang penuh nikmat. Tapi bagaimana dengan iman di dada? Masih di takok yang lama ...atau tahap biasa-biasa aja?
Dan kita mengharapkan syuga Allah?
Audit diri sendiri...kufurkah kita ? Ingkarkah kita ?Patuhkah kita sepenuhnya?atau masih ada yang kita lakukan ala kadar... Sudah selesai kah?
En Husband cerita lagi...
Tafsir yang terbaik adalah tafsir alquran dengan al quran... lalu kami diminta menyelak surah Al Qiyamah..
En Husband membaca ayat 26-40.Kali ini suaranya lebih sedu, menangis...sehingga terpaksa berhenti seketika.dan berlari ke dapurmencari tisu..
Surah Al Qiyamah ini lebih menakutkan saya...sangat gerun sebenarnya. Cerita tentang kejadian ketika mati, ketika roh ditarik, ketika kita bergelut dengan nyawa sendiri, tatkala malaikat datang mencabut nyawa, dan ketika kita meronta ronta untuk terus bernafas... namun ...sudah tiba masanya.
Ketika itu ....sudah sampai masanya untuk kita pergi. Di mana kita ketika itu? Bagaimana penghujung nyawa kita? Dalam pengakhiran yang baik atau tidak baik?Semasa menonton rancangan kegemaran di tv?atau semasa tengah seronok berbual kosong? ataupun....ohh tidak ya Allah...
Ayat-ayat itu sudah cukup menakutkan saya. Ke mana kita selepas itu?Layakkah ke syurga Allah?Atau nerakalah yang lebih layak?
Banyak tanggungjawab di atas muka bumi yang perlu dilaksanakan . Hak seorang jiran...hak seorang teman...hak seorang anak..hak ibu bapa kita..hak masyarakat di sekeliling. Adakah kita berikan hak-hak meraka?Adakah kita sudah lakukan 'homework' yang Allah berikan kepada kita?atau masih lagi so-so
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:"Apabila salah seorang dari kamu mengerjakan amal-amal yang membuktikan keislamannya dengan sebaik-baiknya (serta dengan ikhlas) maka tiap-tiap kebaikan yang dikerjakannya akan ditulis baginya sepuluh kebajikan yang menyamainya hingga kepada tujuh ratus kali ganda dan tiap-tiap satu kejahatan yang dilakukannya akan ditulis baginya (satu kejahatan) yang menyamainya." (Riwayat Bukhari)
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam islam secara keseluruhannya, dan janganlah kamu turut langkah-langkah syaitan. Sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagimu.
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat ke 208)
Saya? Kita ? Anda bagaimana?
Kelas tafir harini masih lagi di Surah Al Maarij...ayat38- 44.
Cerita tentang kita...kita yang masih kononnya berharap supaya dimasukkan ke syurga yang penuh nikmat. Tapi bagaimana dengan iman di dada? Masih di takok yang lama ...atau tahap biasa-biasa aja?
Dan kita mengharapkan syuga Allah?
Audit diri sendiri...kufurkah kita ? Ingkarkah kita ?Patuhkah kita sepenuhnya?atau masih ada yang kita lakukan ala kadar... Sudah selesai kah?
En Husband cerita lagi...
Tafsir yang terbaik adalah tafsir alquran dengan al quran... lalu kami diminta menyelak surah Al Qiyamah..
En Husband membaca ayat 26-40.Kali ini suaranya lebih sedu, menangis...sehingga terpaksa berhenti seketika.dan berlari ke dapur
Surah Al Qiyamah ini lebih menakutkan saya...
Ketika itu ....sudah sampai masanya untuk kita pergi. Di mana kita ketika itu? Bagaimana penghujung nyawa kita? Dalam pengakhiran yang baik atau tidak baik?Semasa menonton rancangan kegemaran di tv?atau semasa tengah seronok berbual kosong? ataupun....ohh tidak ya Allah...
Ayat-ayat itu sudah cukup menakutkan saya. Ke mana kita selepas itu?Layakkah ke syurga Allah?Atau nerakalah yang lebih layak?
Banyak tanggungjawab di atas muka bumi yang perlu dilaksanakan . Hak seorang jiran...hak seorang teman...hak seorang anak..hak ibu bapa kita..hak masyarakat di sekeliling. Adakah kita berikan hak-hak meraka?Adakah kita sudah lakukan 'homework' yang Allah berikan kepada kita?
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:"Apabila salah seorang dari kamu mengerjakan amal-amal yang membuktikan keislamannya dengan sebaik-baiknya (serta dengan ikhlas) maka tiap-tiap kebaikan yang dikerjakannya akan ditulis baginya sepuluh kebajikan yang menyamainya hingga kepada tujuh ratus kali ganda dan tiap-tiap satu kejahatan yang dilakukannya akan ditulis baginya (satu kejahatan) yang menyamainya." (Riwayat Bukhari)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ ادْخُلُواْ فِي السِّلْمِ كَآفَّةً وَلاَ تَتَّبِعُواْ خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam islam secara keseluruhannya, dan janganlah kamu turut langkah-langkah syaitan. Sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagimu.
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat ke 208)
Saya? Kita ? Anda bagaimana?
Friday, June 15, 2012
Report Card Day
She passed me a letter, right after she entered the car yesterday. It has been 3 consecutive days, that she never drop tears for school. Every morning for the 3 days back were so relieving for me, she is excited for her PASTI.
Today is the day. The day for me to take her report card. The day I will get to know her academic achievements in school. The day I shall understand why she is reluctant to go to school every morning. It is a day for parents to discuss closely with teachers on their children’s development. Definitely, I was worried since yesterday.
She entered PASTI at age of 4.
She entered PASTI in the month of April…after 3 months other pupils had started their lessons in school…………
She entered PASTI with cries…for almost 2 weeks ………
She skipped for school so many times…with different excuses..balik kg for one week, fever for 2 weeks….etc.
In June, less than 2 months studying in PASTI, she had an exam...6 subjects...others have learn for almost 6 months compared to her..
That amplified my concerns..what would be written in her report card.
Nevertheless, I am so happy and proud…
She made it! Good job kakak!!
Today is the day. The day for me to take her report card. The day I will get to know her academic achievements in school. The day I shall understand why she is reluctant to go to school every morning. It is a day for parents to discuss closely with teachers on their children’s development. Definitely, I was worried since yesterday.
She entered PASTI at age of 4.
She entered PASTI in the month of April…after 3 months other pupils had started their lessons in school…………
She entered PASTI with cries…for almost 2 weeks ………
She skipped for school so many times…with different excuses..balik kg for one week, fever for 2 weeks….etc.
In June, less than 2 months studying in PASTI, she had an exam...6 subjects...others have learn for almost 6 months compared to her..
That amplified my concerns..what would be written in her report card.
Nevertheless, I am so happy and proud…
She made it! Good job kakak!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Adab dan Akhlak :)
Kosong rasanya blog ni kalau tidak dibicarakan sebarang ilmu bermanfaat..yea, mungkin sekadar peringatan untuk diri saya sendiri yang cukup tipis iman, cukup dahagakan ilmu.
Saya kongsikan bersama...tazkirah minggu lepas bersama husband..
Husband selalu cakap..orang Islam ada akhlak....kalau orang kafir..dia ada moral. Akhlak tu suatu elemen penting dalam kehidupan muslim yang mu'min.Nabi saw pernah bersabda , "Hanya sanya aku dibangkitkan untuk melengkapkan akhlak yang mulia".
Setiap sesuatu yang hendak dibina mestilah ada asasnya.Imam Qairawani, Ulama' mashyur dalam mazhab maliki cakap...asas kepada pembentukan adab dan kelakuan seorang muslim ialah empat buah hadis nabi.
1 " Sebaik-baik Islam seseorang itu adalah peninggalannya tentang apa yang tiada kena mengena dengannya" Abu Hurairah ra
haaa...orang busy body...jangan ambil tahu.Tapi ambil berat..amacam?:)
2." Tiada beriman seseorang kamu, sehinggalah ia mencintai bagi saudaranya sama seperti ia menyintai bagi dirinya sendiri."Abu Hamzah.
Ada jugak hadis lain,"seorang muslim itu kepada seorang muslim yang lain, bagaikan binaan bangunan, saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain." Begitu juga dengan hadis yang membuat perumpamaan orang muslim itu seumpama satu badan, sekiranya satu anggota sakit, maka anggota lain turut merasakan kesakitan itu.
3. " Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat, hendaklah berkata yang baik atau berdiam diri... ." Abu Hurairah ra.
Don't hurt others' feeling. Kalau kita rasa kita cakap tu buat someone hurt, better talk to the hand.:) apapun, teguran yang bermanfaat kadangkala pedih dan sukar diterima oleh orang.Jadi, pandai2lah kita tegur seseorang dengan cara yang paling berhikmah....Nabi kan ada, best teacher tu:) boleh blajar dengan nabi:) --->ulamak kan pewaris nabi:) banyak ulamak kita sekarang ada buku, ada blog ada website etc. Husband pesan jugak, kalau nak info dari Mr Google, jangan main accept jer..sebab kadang2 yang tulis tu bukan gunakan nas nas yang boleh jadi sandaran.Kadang2, diorang tulis pendapat saja.
4 " Nasihatilah kepadaku ! " Dijawab oleh Nabi SAW : " Jangan marah! " Orang itu berulangkali meminta supaya dirinya dinasihati, maka tetap Rasulullah SAW mengatakan : " Jangan marah ! " Abu Hurairah ra
Husband cakap, kalau marah..ambil wudhuk..solat:) Sebab marah tu boleh disejukkan dengan air..Boleh jugak guna kaedah macam Imam Ghazali ajar: kalau berdiri, duduk..kalau duduk, baring:)
Adapun marah kerana agama, maka ia adalah dituntut. Contohnya, kita marahkan anak kita kerana tidak menunaikan solat.Maka perbuatan itu adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik. Kita hendaklah membezakan antara marah kerana emosi dengan marah kerana mendidik.
Indah kan Islam ni?Semuanya Rasul kita ajar...:) best best:)
Saya kongsikan bersama...tazkirah minggu lepas bersama husband..
Husband selalu cakap..orang Islam ada akhlak....kalau orang kafir..dia ada moral. Akhlak tu suatu elemen penting dalam kehidupan muslim yang mu'min.Nabi saw pernah bersabda , "Hanya sanya aku dibangkitkan untuk melengkapkan akhlak yang mulia".
Setiap sesuatu yang hendak dibina mestilah ada asasnya.Imam Qairawani, Ulama' mashyur dalam mazhab maliki cakap...asas kepada pembentukan adab dan kelakuan seorang muslim ialah empat buah hadis nabi.
1 " Sebaik-baik Islam seseorang itu adalah peninggalannya tentang apa yang tiada kena mengena dengannya" Abu Hurairah ra
haaa...orang busy body...jangan ambil tahu.Tapi ambil berat..amacam?:)
2." Tiada beriman seseorang kamu, sehinggalah ia mencintai bagi saudaranya sama seperti ia menyintai bagi dirinya sendiri."Abu Hamzah.
Ada jugak hadis lain,"seorang muslim itu kepada seorang muslim yang lain, bagaikan binaan bangunan, saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain." Begitu juga dengan hadis yang membuat perumpamaan orang muslim itu seumpama satu badan, sekiranya satu anggota sakit, maka anggota lain turut merasakan kesakitan itu.
3. " Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat, hendaklah berkata yang baik atau berdiam diri... ." Abu Hurairah ra.
Don't hurt others' feeling. Kalau kita rasa kita cakap tu buat someone hurt, better talk to the hand.:) apapun, teguran yang bermanfaat kadangkala pedih dan sukar diterima oleh orang.Jadi, pandai2lah kita tegur seseorang dengan cara yang paling berhikmah....Nabi kan ada, best teacher tu:) boleh blajar dengan nabi:) --->ulamak kan pewaris nabi:) banyak ulamak kita sekarang ada buku, ada blog ada website etc. Husband pesan jugak, kalau nak info dari Mr Google, jangan main accept jer..sebab kadang2 yang tulis tu bukan gunakan nas nas yang boleh jadi sandaran.Kadang2, diorang tulis pendapat saja.
4 " Nasihatilah kepadaku ! " Dijawab oleh Nabi SAW : " Jangan marah! " Orang itu berulangkali meminta supaya dirinya dinasihati, maka tetap Rasulullah SAW mengatakan : " Jangan marah ! " Abu Hurairah ra
Husband cakap, kalau marah..ambil wudhuk..solat:) Sebab marah tu boleh disejukkan dengan air..Boleh jugak guna kaedah macam Imam Ghazali ajar: kalau berdiri, duduk..kalau duduk, baring:)
Adapun marah kerana agama, maka ia adalah dituntut. Contohnya, kita marahkan anak kita kerana tidak menunaikan solat.Maka perbuatan itu adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik. Kita hendaklah membezakan antara marah kerana emosi dengan marah kerana mendidik.
Indah kan Islam ni?Semuanya Rasul kita ajar...:) best best:)
It's paid off *wink*
Every challenge in this world brings in its wake some form of reward:)
Yes..she's fine today. We do more talking than usual. After my maghrib prayer with Widaad and Wafa' at home...we recite quran together so that little Jawwad could listen as well.
Then, we have our dinner together. I started enjoying my dinner nowadays, compared to a rush dinner 7 months back, since everyone urge to get attention during that time.
Current status: easier:)

Perhaps, they are getting wiser, what orang kedah said as "koi buley akai dah".
Rather than watching news, we do colouring together, reading story books together ... then I started my role and mission to console her for tomorrow's school. Praising her as a good daugther, telling her that she's gonna be a very intelligent person if she go to school everyday, mingle with lotsa friends in school bla bla bla....And as usual, she agreed with all my points...and as usual , she was very excited to go to school the next day.
This morning, I woke her up at 7am...I am anxious.. of what would be her reaction today. ..I remembered that last night she pointed out that when I start calling her name for school, the first ever thing she'll do is ....smile:) I told her I I wish she could give me a smile and morning kiss when whe first open her eyes. And..she did it! Alhamdulillah...

She woke up with a grin! yes yes yes!! then again , she refuse to take her shower ...like yesterday!Oklah...no problem lah! It's oklah!:)
She's fine today! Good girl Kakak!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Monday Blues?
It was 630am. ..I had my Subuh prayer and Mathurat...And as usual , my routine is to tidy up the house..do some sweeping and mopping.
At 7 am ....I went to our room. I saw she was still soundly sleeping. She slept off early last night, and promised me to wake up early for school. Yes , school! It has been two weeks off, and I managed to console her for school… last night while waiting for her to sleep, we have some chit chatting..
She opened her eyes, rumbling with anger, since I disturb her sleep. I knew it wasn’t easy, to wake her up. I tried not to raise up my voice when she started pumping his leg up and down, protest perhaps. She threw away the pillow to me. When I started to soothe her by wiping her head, she pushed away my hands. With still her eyes closed, she said” Kakak tanak pegi sekolah!”.
730am…she was motionless lying on bed, and I was ready with my cloth to office. Yea, I have 8o’clock class on Monday. That worries me. She was not yet prepared and unquestionably not in a correct mood. I tried for a second time to comfort and relieve her with Milo..and promised her with ice-cream, keropok on way back from school later. Still, it didn’t work. She was stagnantly on the bed, irritably whenever I say about school. School isn’t a pleasant place for her, even I tried so countless means in which I thought might be working for her.
750am…still! And I was looking at my watch. Class !
I want her to start with cheerful and enthusiastic day. Passion! I believe everyone deserves a joyful and enjoyable day. Then again , it all started with a morning wake up. I am really afraid she might be temperamental, thus brought to school and maybe the whole day will end up to be miserable for her. I insisted that she is obligated to be in school for some good motives, yet she still hand-me-down.
I definitely don’t want to wake her up with higher, rough tone that could be heard by her cute ears. No..I don’t want that to happen. Some might say she will become spoilt if I stay comforting her with smiles and soft voices whenever she refuses to go school..yet, I have a very strong stand not to be too harsh for her in morning. Yea..I don’t want to drag her in moody day.
After all, she's just 4 years old. Isn’t it normal for active kids to scream, cry, and shout? Hahaha..she is so cute..that is a certain fact! I love you lah…whole-heartedly! undoubtedly :)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Alhamdulillah...biarpun tidak mewah, tapi tidak pernah tak cukup. Syukur yang sangat panjang untukMu ya Rab!Apalah sangat ujian-ujian kecilMu dibandingkan dengan rahmat nikmatMu yang terlalu luas!!
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Widaad(3 yrs 11 m, Wafa' 2 yrs 10m, and Jawwad 7 month-old) |
Friday, June 1, 2012
Happy Anniversary!!!:)
Alhamdulillah.....31st May 2007.
5 years ago, I was waking up calm and excited.That day was different, I was the girl for the day, I was getting ready to get myself pretty, dreaming of the moment I would finally walk down to you and be able to call you my husband at last.
5 years ago, I was with my sister,Kaklong..gorgeous! dressing and laughing…thinking about our day.Ya..me and my sister were married on the same day. I was anxious to put my dress on. The one that would float me down to you.
5 years ago, was the happiest and most important day in my life. Our lives. The day I married you was the day a smile never came off my face. I took you as my husband and you took me as your wife.
9 years ago, I was 20 , and you were 27…we had our first date in Sungai Petani. You brought your neighbour along, and I brought my bff, Tq. Ya....that day. We didn't even look eyes to eyes...we were too shy that time.
I knew I loved you..and you had the same feeling as I do. I was so nervous to tell you, but you said it first. I could’ve died right then. I wrote in my journal about never having felt that way before…I knew it was different. .
5 years ago feels like yesterday. I still giggle to myself when I say husband, referring to you. I still can’t believe that we are married. I can’t believe how easy life has been with you.
You make me smile when I am down….even when I am mad at you, I can’t help but smile when you look at me. You make my heart melt when you talk and wink at me. I feel like I am 20 everyday with you, all over again.
I know that, no matter what life throws at us, I will always love you. You make it easy.
Happy 5 year Anniversary, Abg. I love you more than ever.
5 years ago, I was waking up calm and excited.That day was different, I was the girl for the day, I was getting ready to get myself pretty, dreaming of the moment I would finally walk down to you and be able to call you my husband at last.
5 years ago, I was with my sister,Kaklong..gorgeous! dressing and laughing…thinking about our day.Ya..me and my sister were married on the same day. I was anxious to put my dress on. The one that would float me down to you.
5 years ago, was the happiest and most important day in my life. Our lives. The day I married you was the day a smile never came off my face. I took you as my husband and you took me as your wife.
9 years ago, I was 20 , and you were 27…we had our first date in Sungai Petani. You brought your neighbour along, and I brought my bff, Tq. Ya....that day. We didn't even look eyes to eyes...we were too shy that time.
I knew I loved you..and you had the same feeling as I do. I was so nervous to tell you, but you said it first. I could’ve died right then. I wrote in my journal about never having felt that way before…I knew it was different. .
5 years ago feels like yesterday. I still giggle to myself when I say husband, referring to you. I still can’t believe that we are married. I can’t believe how easy life has been with you.
You make me smile when I am down….even when I am mad at you, I can’t help but smile when you look at me. You make my heart melt when you talk and wink at me. I feel like I am 20 everyday with you, all over again.
I know that, no matter what life throws at us, I will always love you. You make it easy.
Happy 5 year Anniversary, Abg. I love you more than ever.
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