Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Amal Wafa' is now 9 months 3 weeks!

Amal Wafa' :) mata stim bcos baru bgn tido:)

Wanna play with Kakak

Wafa' enjoys listening to the arab song played with this camel :)

Belek2 mata camel:)bcos it turns red if the music plays!

By next week, she'll be 10 months!!Sooo fast!!

The torrent of words she has been hearing since birth is beginning to work its magic, although her understanding of words far outpaces her ability to use them. Her babbling has turned to jabber and is probably starting to sound a little like real words, phrases, and sentences. Amal Wafa' thinks she's saying something, so ...we would definitely respond as if she really is! And she is really happy to see us responding her stories....even it's jargon to us!!!

Wafa' still comprehends more from our tone than from our actual words. She can understand when I am pleased. The more we talk to her — either directly or while doing other things, such as preparing dinner, driving, or getting dressed — the more she learns about communication.She is learning !!!

So, at this point of time, we ( I most of the time) would try not to raise up my tone too high because I believe she'll learn to shout later..ahahaha!! most probably ;)because children learn most from their environment..bear in mind, keep it lovely yer Puan Azah:)

Wafa's starting to understand the word "no," though she may not obey it just yet. For example, I can expect her to try to touch something even after I've said not to. It's best to use the word "no" sparingly, and when I do use it, follow it by removing her from the scene of the crime and introducing her to a new activity:) Opss...she is learning...bear in mind..keep it lovely:)and politely:)

Long way to go , dear Wafa'!! Ummi and Walid will always there for you.anytime!!:) Love you:)

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