Monday, April 26, 2010

Wafa' is now 8 months 3 weeks old!!

Amal Wafa' ..8 months 3 weeks

She is adorable!!

She is cute!!

She is pretty!!

She is so cute!!

She is my baby!!

She is my love!!

She is my soul!!

She is my life!!

She is apple of the heart of Walid and Ummi!!:)

Wafa' vision is now almost adult-like in its clarity and depth perception. Though her short-range sight is still best, her long-range vision is good enough to recognize people and objects across a room. She may see a toy on the other side of the room and try to crawl towards it. Her eyes are also probably close to their final color:) the best word I can describe...BEAUTIFUL!!

Wafa' may start looking for dropped objects and may use her index finger to point at them. She can easily use her fingers to rake up a piece of food and hold it with her fist closed, and she's learned to open her hand to drop and throw objects with greater precision. She's probably beginning to master the pincer grasp, too — the delicate maneuver that lets her pick up small objects with his thumb and first finger.

Though she has steady development changes , there'll be times when she is afraid of things she can't understand. Even things that didn't bother her before, like a ringing telephone or a tv volume (sometimes Walid may turn the volume high for news), may frighten her. When this happens, the most important thing we can do as parent is to comfort and reassure her. ...I am now mastering in that field, comfort her by telling her that I am there and she's fine ... a hug or a snuggle may be all she needs!! muahhhhhhss!!

I am really enjoying every of the moments to observe my baby development day by day..after's like watching a great movie!!!

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