Thursday, September 22, 2011


sweet moment eh to get pregnant?:) that's what mom pays...all for the little one...

I have this symptoms for all my pregnancy, normally during trimester's really hard for me to sleep , and I will have a very minimal movement during my sleep to avoid cramping.

I normally consult doctors so many times when it comes to leg cramping. ...even I know doctors will often say.."It's normal for a preggy mom to experience leg cramp" ..But, sometimes cramping might not be related to baby at all. It could be simply constipation or gas. After all, even pregnant women have to defecate.So, careful of what you eat ya..

What "Mr. Google" say about leg cramp?;)

What do I do when cramping during pregnancy occurs?

Stop. Breathe. And slowly exhale and relax. Cramps will come and go and you do not have to worry about mild cramps. However, with that said, there are certain conditions where you must call a doctor immediately. If your cramping during pregnancy follows with bleeding, always call a doctor. This could be because of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, eccysis or other complications of the fetus. Other tell-tale signs that there might be something wrong are: vaginal fluids, fever, chills, lightheaded, and any other diseases. Diseases include: stomach viruses, infections, food poisoning, and other diseases.

How do I relieve or stop cramping during pregnancy?

An effective method to relax and focus on something other than cramping during pregnancy is doing pursed-lip breathing. Pursed-lip breathing is a technique used during an asthma attack that can soothe and relax the body. To perform pursed-lip breathing, simply pucker your lips for a kiss and breath in and out slowly. This will help to get over cramping during pregnancy.

Another method to resolve cramping during pregnancy is to bend backwards slightly. WARNING: do not bend over your back too far or you can possibly cause miscarriage or have backaches. Also, refrain from moving around positionally too much when cramping during pregnancy.

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