Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Zoom in Amal Wafa'

She is now may actually be able to show her recognition towards me:) Subhanalllah...she frequently smile to exhibit an obvious recognition of her parents.Sweet..very sweet:)

Sometimes, she will probably continue to smile at strangers, especially when they look her straight in the eye and coo or talk to her.

At this point of time, she may quiet down and make eye contact with me, or she may search for me in a room whenever I were not in the catch of her eyes.The most excitement part is that she move her arms in excitement or smile when she finds me!! Somehow, when she cries that she can't find me, even I was behind her, she'll stop crying. Perhaps, she recognise me by my scent.... calming and comforting, maybe:)

Babies simply love to be touched..In fact, they thrive on it — touch is a critical part of growth and development. Same goes to Wafa'. All that skin-to-skin contact not only helps me and my baby bond, but it's comforting when she's upset and soothing when she's irritable.

She can now wave her arms and pump her legs. And as her hip and knee joints become more flexible, her kicks are getting stronger. Not only that, she can also bring both hands together and open and close her fingers.

Dear Amal Wafa', enjoy thy babies though it will not stay:) Umi and Walid will always there for you sayang!!

1 comment:

  1. wah..very neat observer like an expert..should i call you a doc?:)



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