On de way to Penang Island..in ferry

Widaad is so sleepy, smpi duduk pon bole tido

On de deck...

The morning after....before sun rises..

My Small Family..

Widaad and Umaira:)

Ummi with Wafa'...Walid holding Widaad

Baca ye sayang...safety first...jgn lari suka ati jer...kang Walid tatau berenang...Ummi bole, tp taknak tunjuk skill la.....

My two little precious!

Ehemm...nak jugak posing sorang:)

lagak seorang captain kapal:)

bergambar dgn anak2 lagi chumil:)
Thank you Abah and Mak for the wonderful gift :) We went for the cruise last Chinese New Year. It was a delightful gathering even Najib's family (my younger bro) were unable to stick together. Her wife is waiting for a delivery day...
I was so shocked that they actually made a surprise party for me and Naziri (my younger bro) for our birthday. Thanks again Mak, Abah, and Kaklong!!! The one night trip on the cruise were such a memorable moment..I’d love to have it another time, more family trip like this. Yea….since married, it’s quite difficult for all us to gather..since each one is enclosed to different field of jobs that contributes to diverse leave days(see…Najib is not with us)….hoping that some other time, we could make a time to meet together.
However, being on the cruise ...for even one night ...WOwwww!!!speechless!!bestttttttt sangat!The cruise can fit in 6000 people at one time...so....big!!so wide...and so beautiful scenery (different angle of the scenery to be seen up there)..Ups...Abah and Mak, thanks for the treat!
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