Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My First Class

click at the picture to enlarge

It has been a while that I did not turn up to any religious class. Maybe busy , or pretend to be busy..And this morning, since hubby is going to his Tafsir class, I joined. Reluctant at first,but at the end succeed to console my own self to at least, serve the inner side of the heart. This would be a good start, I believe.

Should we have learn to the end of the life. Hubby never ask to join him, neither force to attend any class. But I do agree, there is nothing wrong to try,and why not give myself a space to listen to the other side of knowledge that have been long, very long ago left.Since married, I never attended any class, due the constraint of time, work and household chores.

And it end up to be a good day for me today:) I learned something:)


  1. kat aqrab tilawah bestari:) tmn bukit beruang heights
    rabu 9-10am:)

  2. Assalamualaikum ..puan.leh saya tahu camne nk join class ni?saya nur..saya pun dok area bukit beruang.teringin nk taw sapa jer bleh join n brapa byaran nya?apa jer yg ditawarkan di sini, bila diadakan klas ni?hopefully puan bleh bantu saya.

    1. Wassalam Puan June, call me ..0134885859:)



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