Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Widaad and Wafa'

Widaad Ibtisam = 28 months

She may be able to control her actions, but not always her emotions. At this age, she's still prone to a fair amount of pushing, shoving, yelling, and tantrums. And as parents, we never set our standards too high. Let her explore and learn from her own experience, in fact that will be a good teacher for her. With the company of her lil sis, Wafa' she has high sensitivity of being a "big sis". Behaving like she knows which food is hot, and giving instructions to her adik when lunch time is good sign for us. Even though sometimes she means 'hot' to cold drinks! However,we can't expect perfect behaviour from her all the time, and tantrums are her way of showing you when she's so frustrated or upset she can't think straight any more.

Amal Wafa' = 14 months

This little toddler is mastering new skills left and right these days, from waving bye-bye to drinking from a cup. But one thing she probably hasn't got to grips with yet is adult table manners. That's OK :) it's too early for her to understand or manage this kind of politeness. She is now yet to learn the "woman's handy manners". Very keen of "tidying up" rooms, kitchens and bookshelves....%!@##(&$^#^%&^$.....It's ok dear...go and learn!! have fun as one day you'll be good in the real tidying up the whole home with your TATAK ( that's how she called her kakak ).

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