It has been a while that I don’t really-really cry, until I asked for hubby shoulders for me to cry on. My ante-natal follow-up yesterday was really sickening. I received very sorrow news from the doctor.
My baby has SGA or "small-for-gestational-age" which means the baby is too small due to growth restriction inside the womb. During this week (35 weeks of pregnancy) , she is supposed to be 2.5 kg, but then she turned out to weight only 2kg. Dr. said my body weight keep on increasing, yet the baby isn’t absorbing the nutrient from my food intake.
Dr. Hanisah (O&G specialist at PMH) also revealed that my amniotic fluid is decreasing. Last two weeks when we left for follow-up check up , it was 14. And yesterday, it declined to 10.9. Dr. Hanisah mentioned that when the amniotic fluid reaches below 10, then it should be something to be concerned because baby could breathe her last breath due to lacking of amniotic fluid.
Due to the two reasons, my follow-up appointment is set to be on next week to monitor the amniotic fluid. Let say, if it is still declining, delivery is the best solution. Of course I am shocked!!! Questions approaching my mind. Deliver at week 36? What’s wrong with my baby? Why isn’t she absorbing my nutrient? Is she ok? What would be the risk if she’s born earlier?
To avoid sudden death, doctor urged me to carefully count the baby movement every single day until the next check up. In case there is any irregular, slow and less than 10 movements within 12 hours, I should set out directly to the emergency room to deliver. Along with that..Dr. suggested me to opt a caesarean delivery since the baby is premature and isn’t strong enough to stand the pain of induce, or normal delivery.
My hubby and I, both of us were very upset, worried and anxious. Hubby does not talk much about it, perhaps does not want to show his panicky in front of me. He used to be that way, prefer not to express his feelings. But, deep inside, I know…he is concerned, his actions speaks for that. Contradict to me, I just can’t help myself to hide my depress, as I cried as much as possible to release my tension.
What we can do now, is just pray to the Allah for the best. We agreed to this as a test from Allah, a test from the Creator to His Creations. Insyaallah…God knows the best.