Monday, January 21, 2013

Ego ohh Ego

Ego, antara sifat Iblis dan kerana sifat - 'Ana khairun minhu' - itulah dia dilucutkan Allah menjadi sehina-hina makhluk di sisi-Nya.

Benci pada iblis bermakna kita jangan ikut sifat2 iblis ni. Siapakah Iblis?  "Dia adalah dari golongan Jin, maka ia mendurhakai perintah Tuhannya" ( Al-Kahfi ayat 50). Ketidakmauan Iblis untuk bersujud kepada Adam ‘alaihissalam adalah kerana dengki dan takabur. Sebabnye, Iblis kata dia lebih hebat dari Nabi Adam.  “Saya lebih baik daripadanya: Engkau ciptakan aku dari api sedang dia Engkau ciptakan dia dari tanah”.(Al-A’raf 13).

Iblis berjanji di hadapan Allah dia akan menjerusmuskan manusia ke dalam maksiat dengan segala kemampuannya, dia akan mendatangi manusia dari arah depan, belakang, kanan dan kiri, dari atas dan bawah. Semua usaha penyesatan akan Iblis lakukan supaya anak keturunan adam tidak bersyukur kepada Allah, jauh dari solat, tidak suka mengingati Allah, terjerumus ke dalam kesyirikan dan menjadi temannya di neraka Jahannam. Namun Iblis mengakui sendiri bahwa ia tidak akan mampu mengalahkan hamba Allah yang Ikhlas, hamba-hamba yang yakin dan tawakal kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

Setiap orang ada ego tersendiri. It is just how we control our egoism. Ego adalah musuh terbesar kita, yang menyekat laluan ketakwaan kita kepada Allah. Kerana ego ita mungkin tidak menyapa sahabat, kerana ego jugak kita boleh berbohong, kerana ego jugalah kita mungkin jatuh ke golongan munafik. 

Sifat mazmumah yang kita namakan ego ini perlu dielakkan oleh setiap orang Islam. Sifat ego boleh merosakkan hubungan dengan Allah dan hubungan sesama manusia. Rosaknya hubungan Allah kerana sifat itu meyebabkan seseorang itu menjadi sombong, angkuh, takabbur dan lupa tentang dirinyasebagai makhluk yang mempunyai kelemahan. Sifat ego juga menyebabkan hubungan kemanusian menjadi porak peranda, benci membeci, dendam mendendami dan sebagainya.

Macam mana nak patahkan ego ?  Takwa :)  Takwa ertinya ,  takut kepada Allah. Kalau kita takut kepada Allah, tak sanggup kita nak benarkan ego  menguasai diri, tak sanggup kita biarkan our decision is made by our egoism....Hanya dengan takwa kepada Allah dengan sebenar benar takwa, kita boleh lemahkan ego diri. 

Fight with your egoism, jangan biarkan ego menguasai diri. To make it weak, then die. This is  because as long as your ego gives orders, and you are working under its command, you wont be able to reach to anything from the Divine Presence. 

Senyum selalu !! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kids are the Priority !

Sangat suka video ni...
tanpa ilmu yang betul, sesatlah kita..
Sudah tentu ilmu yang berlandaskan quran dan sunnah.
Jom tambah ilmu!

Rasulullah SAW berpesan: "Orang mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya, dan yang berbuat baik kepada ahli keluarganya". (riwayat Abu Daud dan At-Tirmizi)

“Bukanlah daripada golongan kamu, sesiapa yang tidak menghormati orang tua kami dan tidak pula mengasihi anak kecil kami.” (Hadis riwayat Tabrani).

Monday, January 7, 2013

Widaad ohh Widaad

Perhaps, Widaad learnt about Angel.....or  'Malaikat' in school. 

When she came back from school last Friday, she asked me to explain her about angels....there were so many "why" questions ......and I told her anything she wants to know....Telling her that angels are the observer for Allah...etc....

She was very cautious in doing her work...Afraid if the angel would write down bad things she did....Until late evening, I saw her quarelling with Wafa' to get toys. ....

Ummi : Widaad, kata nak jadi anak soleh.....macam mana nak soleh kalau bekelai dengan adik?

Widaad: Nape Ummi...Malaikat tulis eh?

Ummi : Haa....malaikat tulis tau apa Widaad buat...harini Widaad jadi kakak yang soleh, dia kongsi toy dengan Wafa'

Widaad : Malaikat tulis dah ke tadi kakak gaduh..?

Ummi : Takder la..kan Widaad kakak yang soleh.

Widaad: ooooo ..Malaikat dah padam eh?

Ummi : A'aah..dah padam

Widaad : Ummi..... 'Pemadam'  malaikat ada gambar princess barbie tak?

Ummi : #$%^&*()!)!*(#y&*(@  ( Otak dok ligat pusing mcm mana nak jawab soklan la soklan Widaad hat paling susah nak jawab buat setakat ni !)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Kids and Questions!

We had a coco crunch for breakfast this morning as per request by Widaad... 

And I had a very good feeling this morning..Thankful for all the goodness and happiness, alhamdulillah, Allah has given me  another chance to wake up this morning, to see the cute eyes of the watch them growing up today....

I woke the kids up happily this morning....asked them to read "Doa bangun tidur" .....and telling them that today is a special day, today is Jumaat ! Head of the days :) there were so many things that are sunnah to be done today:) 

Before we left the house, we recite doa, the car as well before we start journey..and we 'karaoke' our favorite zikir in the car to the school. Alhamdulillah, it was a such blessed day !
Giving the kids a kiss before they left to school is a way to send a love energy inside their body.  I hope that they would always be in a loving mode, insyaAllah. Give the teacher a sincere smile so that they feel our energy, thus could deliver the knowledge with full of responsibility, tenderness and solid affection. 

Kids always ask questions...don't ignore them..You are building their characteristics....Remember that, they are learning by practice...not only by formal education...

Answer them politely, gently...and your character will be in their mind.."This is how I should talk, this is the way people behave, this is how I should act when people talk to me ". You are the one who build the character of your don't ruin their personality.  

There were times when you are so tired, you tend to ignore them. Don't !! Wake up !!! Remember , always remind to yourself..that you are a good mommy, you are the best daddy in the world! Try !!

Supaya anak-anak yang lahir hebat ini, akan terus meningkat kehebatan mereka, menambah nilai ke dunia ini dan ini menjadi saham kita yang menerangi kubur kita nanti dan membantu kita memasuki syurga.

Anak-anak kita adalah anugerah tuhan yang merupakan amanah yang berat tetapi sangat mulia.

Semoga kita semua terus bijak mendidik anugerah dan amanah Ilahi ini:)

Second Day to School

Ummi had an 8 am class yesterday. So it was Walid who sent the kids to the school. 

As soon as class ended, I called Walid to ask about the kids. And Walid answered " Dah kat opis ni"..huhhh?? that fast?? How come the day before Ummi has to wait until the teachers dismissed the class.


I drove off to PASTI at Sungai Putat, worrying about the kids, afraid if there were parents waiting out there, my kids would for sure looking for their parents as well. 

When I reached there, everything was organized. Teachers were teaching, kids were happily learning. :) fuhhhhh...alhamdulillah:) Went back to office then...

Soon by 1130am, Ummi was there again...this time  with Walid, we both were worrying if the kids were reluctant to hop on school van back to taska. ...(we had decided to transit them to taska for this year, which would ease our work to travel to PASTI everyday to fetch them from school - ibu's house). 

Bukan ape, the day before, Wafa' refused to take school van ..she said " ade buaya"...

When I looked into the van, there was a tiny crocodile toy at the dashboard....I told her " Takpe, tu toy je..."  

She replied .."Dah mati ke Ummi?"

Me : Haa..dah mati pon...dah pegi naik...

Wafa' : Sape tembak dia ummi?

Me : Takde sape tembak, itu toy Wafa'...

Wafa' : Tapi, apesal dia mati dah? Sape tembak dia? 

Pacik van was waiting at the driver seat, and listening to our conversation. I had to slowly explained to her sampai cikgu2 tergelak tengok gelagat last, she refused jugak to take school van, so I let Widaad went on her own in the van and I brought Wafa' to the taska. (We arrived taska earlier since pacik van has to send other kids to other places as well)...So , while waiting for Widaad, I had to use another method, different story to make sure she understand about why she needs to take school van, go to taska instead of ibu's house, about the crocodile,  ..and so on..

And yesterday, alhamdulillah..everything went smoothly. There were happily on the school van....and went straight to the taska....

When teacher dismissed the class, I saw Widaad was looking forward to 4 years old group, finding Wafa. She hold Wafa' hand tight until they were in the van:)  "Big sis" huh?:)

 We went to the van, asking about their class, and they were very excited to explain on that!

Now I realised my girls have grown up.. sedih tiba2 :( 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Princesses First Day in School!!

They were so excited in the beginning..When I woke them up in the morning, they were all joyful, super duper happy to their brush their teeth,  take their morning shower and put on their clothes....(schools uniforms have not been distributed)

 They were the first who went out from the house, opened the gate for Walid...

When we reached school, Kakak Widaad even showed her 'seniority' by ushering Wafa' to toilet, showing Wafa' where 4-year old kid will be seated...and she then took her own seat in 5-year old community..

 Wafa' was delightful....introducing her new school bag to friends....

 She was listening attentively to the teacher..when teacher was telling pupils to read "Doa' sebelum makan"

 On the other side of the class, Kakak Widaad was paying her full attention to CIkgu Imah.

 Class for the 5 years old was a bit 'oraganized' compared to the 4 years old one. ...

 However, mommies were also 'learning' in class....;) ;) see, those who hanged at the side of the class...


 and Wafa' again...

 Time for Wafa' to play :D she was quite happy this time...buat roket katanye..;)

And...brunch...donut and Milo!!!

Ummi, assuming Widaad would not have more attention to Wafa's class...Walid has an 8am class so he was unable to be with us before Ummi heard Widaad screaming!! When I went to see her...all the drama's started!!!

I asked her what happened...2 of her friends answered " Makcik, ada orang cucuk mata Widaad dengan pensel"...haaa...apa lagi..lagi kuat suara Widaad menjerit!!!  At first , jerit  jerit ...when I started to console and telling her friends about pencil.....I was like " ok ...pensel untuk ape? untuk tu.....(expect them to answer)." they answered "lis....." Good girls kan..jadi kita kena tulis guna pensel, tak boleh cucuk- cu...." and they replied  "...cuk".....

Ape lagi...Widaad lagi menjerit.....menangis ..hentak kaki kat lantai bagai....and the drama started!!! Then, whatever teacher was trying to say in front...she wasn't listening...she just cried and shouted....adoiiiiii laaaa...teacher told her "kawan dah minta maaf, Widaad, sudah ye" and she continue crying ....siap baring sampai hentak-hentak kaki lah.

Wafa' ran to me...lagila drama..when Wafa' started asking her" Kenapa kakak?" Then , Widaad's friends answered " Orang tu cucuk mata kakak awak dengan pensel" sambil tunjuk teh one yang cucuk mata Widaad..ayoooooo!!! Widaad lagi jeritt.this time lagi kuattttttt!!!! pening dah ummi.

Nasib baik today teacher let the class dismiss 10, all dah boleh balik.

Ade lagi drama pastu..esoklah sambung citer...fuhhhhhh!! Ummi yang penat .....
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